is social media working for you?

Hey friend,

If you have a service-based business, such as online tutoring or any service where you work with clients... then you need to read this!

Believe it or not, having more followers on social media doesn't necessarily equate to more money or more success.

Instead, here are some questions to ask yourself:

  • Do I have a easy way for social media followers & website visitors to sign up for my email list?
  • Is my email list growing with the right people?
  • When I send an email to my list, does it generate new clients and sales?

If you've fallen into the trap of spending all of your time on social media, keep in mind that social media is designed to be addictive. The goal for these tech companies is to keep you on the app as long as possible, because then you see more ads, and that leads to more money for them.

But who is really benefiting in that case? Is it you, or the platform you're creating content on?

That's why starting an email list is so important, because you own your list. It is not platform-dependent. I personally use & love ConvertKit* for email marketing. They offer a lot of other features too! Check it out here.*



P.S. Pro tip I learned from an email marketer named Angela Wills. Include links to your products & services in the footer of your emails, so people can easily buy! When I started doing this, I started getting sales with almost every email!

Hi! I'm Sonia Teach.

Supporting teachers who want to flexible business from home so they can prioritize their health & family.

Read more from Hi! I'm Sonia Teach.

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